Ok, that blog topic is kind of lame. Maybe it needs some more brainstorming. Something I have become a bit aware of, the more I play through this game, its a lot larger than I expected. I am actually not entirely sure how some people are so far along because I feel like I have been playing it a LOT and as near as I can tell, I am maybe 1/4th of the way through the current content. Maybe I am way wrong, but I am on I think Chapter 2, and I want to say there are 8 chapters available currently. I am not sure, if only there was some way to find put this information somewhere. I am also only like, halfway through the Pass. I didn't buy the Pass, I considered it but I am not real sure its worthwhile. As near as I can tell, there are no cosmetics in the pass, which feels like an incredibly missed opportunity for a game entirely themed around cosmetics. You don't even get any premium currency to by shop cosmetics. You do get so...
All Around the Grid
Second Life, Open World Games, The Internet in General