So, around a week or so ago, I got a random notification that my app, Infinity Nikki, had been installed on my phone. I had not installed that app, but apparently at some point had pre-registered to play this game. It's probably a good thing, because I had completely forgotten about it and probably would have never bothered trying it. I then proceeded to discover that it's also available on PC, which is way better than playing on my phone for this sort of game, so I moved over there.
But enough about that, I had forgot about this game, and had no idea what I was in for. The looping video (with it's kind of annoying theme song on repeat) during the initial download made it look like a sort of 3D world of puzzles and mini games. Sounds like something I would enjoy for sure. The visuals all seemed very nice as well, very vibrant and lush. There was also some sort of transforming between clothing that seemed to have abilities based on outfits, and it's Anime themed. After waiting for, quite a while to download several GB, I was greeted with... a screen informing me that the game wasn't available to play yet.
Which was rather disappointing.
Anyway, a few days and a PC download later, I actually got to actually play for a bit.
And this game is going to be so bad for me, I can already tell. It turns out, in addition to being a very beautiful open world puzzle game, it's also an elaborate fashion game. In fact, the fashion is part of the plot. There are missions and quests all about different outfits. It's almost worse that there are a while mess of codes and freebies available for launch out there so players can get sucked into the fashion gotcha drop system. I even ended up already dropping a whole dollar into it because there was a steal of a deal on the shop.
The whole system is incredibly robust too. I mean, you will occasionally end up with some clipping issues depending on your combos, and not everything actually looks good, but the ways you can layer tops and bottoms and hairs and like a dozen different accessories all hit the best buttons for me.
There are even fashion battles, where you need to score points based on outfit qualities.
The game play itself is also, surprisingly a lot of fun. I already play and enjoy quite a few games that amount to "chill and relax" like Sky: Children of the Light or for a while Palia. Just to name a couple. This whole game is very not combat oriented. At least so far. There actually IS combat, and a health system, though I'm not sure what happens when you run out of health. I did some exploring recently, but mostly the story so far has kept me within the confines of the starter town.
The story itself is actually, pretty intriguing as well. There are some gangs of fashionistas called Stylists and something going on with people going into a sort of coma state over wishes, and a bunch of your standard issue fetch quest style side quests.
My only real beef so far, and it's a bit minor, is that it takes over the print screen function so I can't easily just, pour out screen shots, because the game is so fucking pretty I want to just snap snap snap away. And then I do and remember it doesn't work, so I missed a bunch of things. I may be able to sidestep this somehow with my screen shotting software, I just have not looked into it super deeply yet.
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